Contact Lens Recycle

Sustainable Practices

The practice is committed to reducing its impact on the environment. We have outlined below some of the steps we are taking to ensure we achieve this. We always welcome other suggestions from patients as to how we can be more sustainable.

  • We aim to operate in accordance with Circular Procurement principles and our waste hierarchy is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover.
  • For a number of years we have employed a specialist firm to recycle contact lens packaging which cannot be recycled in ordinary household recycling.
  • Patients are encouraged to bring used packaging to us where we collect and give to the firm for processing.
  • Unwanted glasses are collected and given to Lions Club International charity for reuse where possible and recycling when not.
  • When selecting suppliers we always consider their own sustainable practices to ensure they are in line with our own.
  • We stock a wide range of eco-friendly eyewear brands including frames made from recycled materials, eco-acetate and natural materials such as wood. Where we can, we visit our suppliers to see their manufacturing processes first hand.
  • An Environmental Impact Committee was established in 2021 to reduce our environmental impact across all areas of the business. Some examples of initiatives undertaken so far include:
  • Organising fewer, larger deliveries from suppliers to reduce our carbon footprint
  • Exchanging single use plastics for a recycled or reusable alternatives
  • Installing grey water collection for use in our vegetable patch
  • Investigating increasing water pressure but reducing flow volume.