Eye scan can monitor the extent of MS

As you may have noticed at your eye appointments over the last couple of years, in addition to taking a retinal photograph of your eyes we offer a scan of the deeper retinal layers, using our Optical Coherence Tomographer (OCT) scanner.

Being one of the first practices or hospitals to have this equipment in Edinburgh we have been learning more and more of the value of these scans as our experience grows and research continues. The most recent neurological research suggests that OCT measurement of the retinal thickness may offer a fast and effective way to monitor progression of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) The research suggests that patients with relapsing MS had rates of retinal thinning up to 42% quicker than those without replases. Perhaps as more therapies are developed to slow MS progression testing retinal thickness will be a useful tool in monitoring how effective these treatments are.

As ever, the eye provides a window to the health of the rest of the body. While we use the OCT more commonly to detect and monitor early signs of eye disease, particularly glaucoma and all types of macular degeneration , we also see the value in having these scans done in your healthy eye to establish baseline data that could be invaluable in the future.