Caffiene can help dry eye

A study in Japan has found that caffiene intake can actually boost the production of tears in the eye, releiving symptoms of dry eye.

Half the 78 participants received a caffiene pill and the other half a placebo. 45 minutes later their tear volume was measured. The following week, the participants received the opposite pill and the tear volume was measured again. All 78 showed significantly higher tear volume after taking the caffeine pill than the placebo.

But don't go quaffing coffee in the hope of treating your dry eye symptoms. Although caffeine increases tear secretion, drinks like coffee and tea can dehydrate you and general dehydration increases dry eye symptoms. Make sure you get your 8 glasses of water a day to keep well hydrated.

Dry eye is one of the most eye common conditions in the world with symptoms ranging for mild discomfort to debilitating irritation and reduced vision. There are many treatments available from simple lubricating drops to medications and even blocking up the drainage tubes from the eye (a reversible process called punctal plugging). At CO we are very experienced in all the specialist investigations and treatments for dry eye so if you've had trouble getting the problem sorted, come and see us.